Allah has never left humanity alone. He has sent principles through prophets to guide people on how to live in this world. When people deviate from these principles, Allah sent messengers to reestablish the truth and wanted people to follow it. Additionally, Allah taught the prophets how to convey this message to people effectively. From the first prophet, Adam (peace be upon him), to the last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), all prophets had been entrusted with the duty of teaching people the truth and providing guidance. Their methods and approaches in conveying this message also set example for us, believers, to live as representatives of Islam.

The first stage of invitation to religion is preparation for the call. Inviting others to Islam is a challenging task, and one must be spiritually, physically, and intellectually prepared for this sacred duty. Allah had prepared His messengers for this call. For example, before becoming a prophet, Moses (peace be upon him) was unable to tolerate injustice and oppression and sought immediate resolution. However, his impulsive behavior led to the unintentional killing of someone. He had faith but lacked experience. Allah removed him from his society and placed him under the guidance of another prophet, Shuayb (peace be upon him), in a distant desert, where he received training for the call. Allah's method of preparing Musa highlights the importance of personal development and experience before undertaking the significant responsibility of guiding a community.  It demonstrates that spiritual and moral conduct, combined with practical experience, is crucial for those who are tasked with delivering a divine message.

Another important aspect of the invitation is to begin with the essence of the call. Prophets primarily invited people to accept the most crucial matter: the existence and oneness of Allah. The initial secrecy surrounding the call is also significant. Prophets often began their missions in secrecy to protect early followers and build a solid foundation. This is because those who believe in the call and the prophets may face life-threatening dangers. Additionally, attempts to obstruct the call are possible. In such situations, maintaining secrecy in the invitation becomes essential. This cautious approach is reflected in Prophet Noah's words: "Then I surely preached to them publicly and privately." [The Quran 71:9]. Migration was another method used when faced with severe opposition. Prophets and their followers would relocate to safer places to practice their faith and spread their message. The verse ‘And Abraham said, “I am emigrating (in obedience) to my Lord. He (alone) is indeed the Almighty, All-Wise.’’ [The Quran 29:26] illustrates this concept. One of the most notable instances of migration in Islamic history is the Hijra of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers from Mecca to Medina, ensuring the safety of the Muslim community and allowing Islam to flourish.

In inviting others to Islam, the language used is of utmost importance. For instance, wisdom (hikmah) is essential in conveying the message. This involves appealing to reason and intellect, as prophets used evidence and logical arguments to persuade their audiences. However, not everyone may have the capacity to understand these proofs. In such cases, it is crucial to address them in a style that the listener can comprehend, offering gentle advice and wise counsel. On the other hand, beautiful and kind words should be used for everyone, regardless of their understanding level. Indeed, when Allah sent Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) to Pharaoh, He instructed him to speak gently. [The Quran 20:43-44].

Intimidating and giving glad tidings are methods that can be applied depending on the recipient. Undoubtedly, there will be people who persistently refuse to believe despite seeing clear evidence. The approach to dealing with such individuals should involve combating them without going to extremes and without deviating from the right path. Occasionally, one may encounter more forceful opponents which required a firmer approachFor instance, when Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) dealt with powerful and boastful warriors, he needed to use a stern tone in language they would understand. This balanced approach ensures that the message is delivered effectively, with consideration for the different attitudes and responses of the audience.

Certainly, one of the most important methods in inviting others is patience. Since the time of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), all prophets have faced difficulties, yet they remained steadfast. Their perseverance and unwavering commitment to their mission serve as a powerful example for all believers. Another significant method is the use of miracles. As a sign of their prophethood, each prophet was granted miracles. These miraculous events served to validate their divine mission and often led some people to believe. However, despite witnessing these miracles, there were always those who persisted in disbelief. This demonstrates the complexity of human response to divine messages and the necessity of combining various methods in the invitation to faith.

It is evident that prophets employed various methods for conveying their message, and while these methods extend beyond what is mentioned in the text, summarizing them in this way is possible. The fundamental principle underlying the use of these methods is to tailor the approach to the recipient. People are diverse, each with their unique understanding. Allah, who created us and knows us better than we know ourselves, instructed the prophets to employ different methods to call people to the truth.