ALLAHAllah is an Arabic word meaning God. While ‘ilāh in Arabic also means God, it can be used in plural and feminine forms. Allah, on the other, has no plural and feminine forms which is coherent with Islamic belief of God. Muslims declare their faith by saying “There is no God except Allah.” This ..
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ARAB MOSQUE The Arab Mosque is located in the Karaköy quarter of Beyoglu district in
Istanbul. Even though it is difficult to find the mosque at first glance as it
is pushed back from the sights of visitors by the surrounding buildings, its
different wooden structure and unique history..
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Founded by Osman Hamdi Bey and
considered to be Turkey’s first museum, the Istanbul Archaeological Museum is a
complex consisting of three parts: the Archaeological Museum itself, the Museum
of the Ancient Orient, and the Tiled Pavilion (Çinili Köşk).
The mus..
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Atatürk Arboretum is
a green-space designed to be a collection of various plant and tree kinds. Its
actual founding purpose is to provide a field for scientific research and
observations. Over than 1500 species of plants and trees in the area of 296
hectares are included in the arboretum for thi..
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BEYAZIT MOSQUE Construction of Beyazıt
Mosque, was initiated by the 8th sultan of the empire, Bayezid II.
Pronunciation of the sultan's name later evolved into 'Beyazıt' and this
version became the name both for the mosque and the square it is in. The benefector Bayezid II is
the son o..
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Construction of the Blue Mosque began in
1609, with the enthusiastic support of Sultan Ahmed I. The location was chosen
right opposite Hagia Sophia, where the Old Palace of Constantinople had been
demolished many years before the conquest of Istanbul. Sedefkâr M..
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Büyük Çamlıca is
another grove that proves Üsküdar district is rich in terms of symbolic
locations in Istanbul. Although the word 'büyük' in its name means major and
'küçük' in Küçük Çamlıca's name means minor, Büyük Çamlıca is less in area but
that does not mean that it is less in popularity. I..
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Have you ever visited a Muslim country before? If you did, you must have
heard this call to prayer five times a day.
After prayers were made obligatory upon Muslims, it was obvious that a sign
was needed to inform people that it was time to pray. Alth..
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Çubuklu is a grove located in Beykoz District
that is one of the calm and peaceful faces of Istanbul. According to Byzantine
sources, the copse site had become a home to the monastery of a group of monks.
Today, it is possible to find ruins of a cistern and some waterways from the
era. During Ot..
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BEZMİALEM VALİDE SULTAN MOSQUE (DOLMABAHÇE MOSQUE) The construction of Bezmialem Valide Sultan Mosque was started by the order
of Bezmiâlem Valide Sultan, who played a role in Ottoman social life as a
benevolent personality with her numerous foundations, and was completed by her
son, Sultan ..
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Dolmabahce, the Sultan’s favorite
residence, used to be a cove that sheltered anchored ships. It carries the
memories of many centuries, located right next to the clear waters of the
spectacular Bosphorus.
It was one of the administrative palaces
during the Ottoman ..
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Emirgan is another
famous and coastal grove that is set on 47 hectars of green space. In addition
to running and walking tracks, the park involves three Ottoman-era pavilions
named by colours yellow, pink and white and used as restaurants today. Inside
the park certain areas are spared for havin..
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